Broberg & Ridderstrale – Bench

A few days ago, I discovered an interesting piece of furniture designed by the Swedish studio Broberg & Ridderstråle in an article on the YANKO DESIGN website. Somehow I found this bench very appealing in its ...

A short guide to glass – Part 3

Hello and welcome to the third part of my glass guide and this part is not only about architectural glass, but also about the basic approach of modeling or rather, the exploration of reality. Basically, glass is ...

A short guide to glass – Part 2

Hello everyone and welcome to the second part of the Glass Guide. To bring some structure to the matter, I will divide the individual episodes into categories. So this part is only about the production of normal ...

A short guide to glass – Part 1

Today I want to talk about glass and how glass is perceived in our real world and how we can properly create glass in 3D visualization. In everyday life and in our real environment, we generally give little thought ...

Quick Lighting Tricks in Blender Part 1

With pretty much every 3D program you have various possibilities to illuminate your scene or object in different ways. One variant is, to put it simply, that you set and align your light sources and in most cases ...

Parametric ArchViz Guide

I’ve been using Blender for about two years now, and alongside 3ds Max and Maya, which I wouldn’t want to do without, Blender has become another piece of software that I can no longer do without. A good ...

DirTemplate Extension

Over the years, you have acquired a certain folder structure for each new project. This may look different for everyone, but one thing always remains the same: every time you create a new project, you have to ...

Default Viewport Lights in 3ds Max

In 3ds Max, the viewport is set to „1 Default Light Setup“ by default. However, this can sometimes be a hindrance or a nuisance. I would therefore like to show you a little trick here on how to change this.

Backface Culling in Blender

There are basically two different approaches to building walls, ceilings and floors. One method of creating walls is to give the wall a thickness of, say, 30 cm at the start. This method is probably the most common ...

Using the Target-Function in Blender

For me, one of the small but very useful features of 3ds Max is the „Target Function“. This function simplifies the workflow when dealing with various light sources and cameras, actually for everything ...