The time has come, folks, the first part of my “Light Guide” is now available for you to download for free. The first two parts are basically the introduction, and from the third part on, I will go into more detail and more technical aspects, with examples, screenshots and more precise explanations and their implementation.

What is certain is that this guide will certainly have more than 10 parts and will be very extensive. At the moment I am on part 4 and although I only publish individual parts weekly for the time being, when everything is in the can, I will create a completely revised printable PDF with all parts and offer it for free download.

Some of you may find the first two parts rather boring, but I think they are just as important as the subsequent practice and implementation. While I’m on the subject, I promise you… no one will be disappointed here.
I hope you will enjoy it and I will do my best to put a smile on some of your faces.

Download for free on…