Update No. 00.1 Alpha
Well… here’s a little update on my project. Basically not much has happened, except that I discovered a great add-on for Blender. I’ve known about this plug-in for quite some time, but I hadn’t had it on my screen for a long time. It’s called „QUICKSHAPE“ by Jama Jurabaev and is somewhat reminiscent of the famous „BOXCUTTER add-on“. At first I thought I wouldn’t be able to use QuickShape with Blender 3.6 because the Gumroad site only lists Blender version 3.4… but it installs without a problem and works great so far.
This tool is perfect for various ArchViz projects and I can only recommend it to everyone. But now for the update… as I mentioned before, there’s not really much to see as I want to model the camera-removed objects first. Also, I don’t want to model in too much detail as you would hardly recognize the individual objects and secondly, the camera will mostly show the entire environment, with a few exceptions of course. Actually, I think the street lamp is almost a bit too detailed, but I’ll leave it that way for the time being and change it later if necessary.